Take part in a worldwide survey on active and intelligent packaging and share in the insights on global trends in this area.

PAC.NZ members are invited to participate in a survey being run by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) ActInPak action.

The COST networking group aims to combine knowledge on existing active and intelligent packaging research and to uncover the commercialisation hurdles these technologies face. The group has more than 100 members, including some of Scion’s specialist packaging team.

Lou Sherman, Packaging Research Leader at Scion, visited Europe in early April where she took part in a networking meeting. The meeting focused on the huge potential of active and intelligent packaging to add value to products, and the commercialisation roadblocks research in this area is encountering. The members of the COST action want to understand what and why these roadblocks are occurring, and to develop solutions to overcome them. The user survey on the challenges of implementation is the first step in this process. 

If you are interested to participate then please follow the link https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KGPTHJ7. Results will be available on completion of the survey.

Contact Lou (lou.sherman@scionresearch.com) to find out more about the COST action and the networking event.

Find out more about the ActInPak COST action at http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/fps/FP1405